Friday, April 15, 2005

The Story of a Title

I think I'll tell the story of why my blog title is misspelled. I only expect to tell it once, so if you care, listen up.

Way back in 1999, I left a rather bizarre note in my journal. We didn't call them diaries back then, but blogs didn't yet exist. Journal.

So here it is in its entirety:

Lavicious Polyphony and the Tickle Monster
by: (KOM)

My friends abound and I, I alone, am that. For the muse has again aquired me and then left me with nothing but return cab fare.

Without even a note.

I've got my hands full, yeah.

A smoker I hear?! Hark! Who goes there? Be ye friend or foe?

I'm still not sure what the hell I meant by this entry, but the idea of "lavicious" always made me laugh. Years later I finally found a definition on-line that is pretty close to how I imagined it. Thanks to McSweeney's for putting a voice to the word.

So when I decided to start a blog, lavicious was in the back of my head as something that amused me and had already been used in a journal. Journal - we still square on that? Ok.

And then a tragedy. While setting up the blog I misspelled the made-up word, and it now appears as though I meant to type "lascivious".

Now, half of my visitors stumble upon my blog by Googling for "lacivious ladies". Needless to say, they don't stay long.

It's too late to change, and I like that it saves me 1/10 of a second to type the URL. So there you go. I didn't promise that it would be a good story. There will be no refunds.


At 5/25/2005 05:15:00 PM , Blogger Trish said...

do you think it's possible to tell the sex of a blogger just by reading their post? is that sexism?


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