Thursday, September 01, 2005

Wednesday. Or Thursday.

Strangely, it's tomorrow.

I woke up this morning to news of looting in New Orleans.

I trust that my initial reaction was the same as yours: "So, there're no white people looting in the big easy?"

Some research gave me a possibly unfair, but telling all the same, look into the situation.

Speaking of spooky, have you all read the Time article Titan Rain? It would seem that the country that gave rise to the internet is completely incapable of defending itself from its own creation. For some reason, this scares me much more than endless Iranian nuke headlines. Doesn't Yawn have something to say about it?

I must admit that I ignored the coverage of Katrina until it was too late. Every time a hurricane comes around, we hear talking heads spelling disaster. Well, this time, it appears to have been correct.

I was going to post pictures of the refugees waiving flags at the news helicopters. Perhaps mention that most NO burials are above ground, mausoleums. It's obvious where that thought is going.

In my free time, I worry about a nuclear strike upon our soil. Be it a renegade suitcase-bomb attack, or a full fledged WW3 situation, I wondered about the aftermath. I think that we know the answer, now.

Somewhere, the deep-left is sharpening knives, trying to blame W. for the storm. Somewhere, the deep-right is doing the same. I am so weary, so tired, of partisan attacks. Like 9/11, can we just understand that this was a terrible disaster upon American soil? Can't we agree to help as best we can, and not place blame?

My stomach turns when any tragedy is exploited. Blue, red. Conservative, liberal. TV Pundit, cheap Blog poster:

Pray for those still in their houses, still just above water, still waiting for potable water, still in the dead zone.

There is always tomorrow. Tomorrow will come more quickly than you, I, or anyone else could have predicted. And it will come. As sure as the.... it will come.


At 9/01/2005 12:46:00 AM , Blogger THEMARSHAL said...

I can predict tomorrow as easy as the next guy (probly not girl). and I can say that the BIG EAsY needs to be rebuilt in a new location....turn the current big easy into a new lake Lanier......its done. The city has crumpeled and shall never be what it was. Dont blame a terrorist....or some crazy cell. Blame stupidity. Its not like the Hurricane jumped out of nowhere and hit them, it was easy to see....EVEN FROM ATLANTA GA (i saw the storm)!!!!!!! The same crew that planned to stay and loot the hurricane got crushed this time. Thats the truth. Every time we get a hurricane of this size every weather man say GET THE FUCK AWAY. Yet this time the same people that have never gotten away ever want to blame........who? There is no one to blane for staying through the CANE. IT WAS HUGE. The news said GET THE FUCK AWAY! You u pay the price. Death if it may be.

At 9/01/2005 12:50:00 AM , Blogger THEMARSHAL said...

hey ya have an AIM screen mame? if you do mine is BradHit4 just shoot am IM my way.

At 9/01/2005 06:11:00 AM , Blogger Yawn said...

Hey KOM- what kind of paranoid do you think I am??? Time's just a bunch of disinfo and corporate astroturfing used to cover up a darker, danker reality.

At 9/01/2005 08:20:00 AM , Blogger David said...

Well the looting thing. Here in Louisiana on the Baton Rouge Stations and stuff they are showing what I call looting. People taking baseball bats and knocking out department store windows while standing up to their knees in water. Running out of stores with 15 boxes of Nike shoes, white and black. Just mass mahem. That is looting.

People that are there that have no food, no drinkable water, doing what they have to, to live. Like the people in those pictures. Taking bread. I call that survival.

The local stations here also showed before the storm hit literally thousands of people had no way to leave the city. Lots of tourists, lots of just poverty stricken people with no money, no car, nothing. They didn't stay because they wanted to, they stayed because they had no choice.

Now the person that shot the National Gaurd? Don't get me started on what they should do to that SOB. Why would you shoot someone trying to help you?

At 9/01/2005 09:47:00 AM , Blogger Robyn said...

I agree with David. I think people should be cleaning out the grocery stores. Shoes and clothes too. But TV's? That's where I get lost. And the thing with meeting helicopters with guns in your hand, like you should get priveledge over someone who is too weak to move on their own. It must be asking too much for people to give up their own comfort to help someone who has the need. I cry when I think about all the children with no food and water, no diapers.

When we started the war with Iraq, actually, when we had the Persian Gulf war, I remembered all those stories I heard about WWII and "vistory gardens" and women with no panty hose and needing to ration food, and buy only what you could with the coupons you had. That would never happen today. Nobody in this country will give up a single ounce of convenience when the country calls for it. I can hear people right now saying - we weren't hit by a hurricane, why should we do anything about it? Because what happens the next time your sorry ass is pinned under by an earthquake? We are seperate states, but one country.

At 9/02/2005 09:01:00 AM , Blogger PSUMommy said...

I heard an interview on NPR about a man who witnessed a woman piling cosmetics and hair stuff into her 6-year-old's arms.

I have to admit...if I were up to my ass in water I couldn't drink, had no food and had lost my car, my house and my dog- looking pretty would be the absolute furthest thing from my mind. It wouldn't even occur to me to go into a store and take stuff.

I'll never understand people.


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