Thursday, April 28, 2005


When I was in highschool, I had several friends that were militant vegans. I loved these people for the most part, but we'd get into endless rows about meat is murder, etc.

One day we were in Berkeley buying albums (god I love the LP bargain bins - 20 albums for $3.00) when I noticed a street vendor selling bumperstickers. One in particular caught my eye. It looked very much like this.

My vegan friends eyed me suspiciously.

The next day I proudly drove my Ford Festiva to school sporting my new bumpersticker.

I liked the meanings that could be read due to the grammatical ambiguity. To me it meant both "Animals: it's what's for dinner." as well as "Animals eat them, why not us?"

I prefer my bumpersticker to the pictures above, though. It had the chicken, cow and pig as well, but they were little and kind of hovering in the upper-right hand corner like a meaty question mark.

On two separate occasions I had someone at a red light get out of their car to tell me how funny they thought it was. For anyone reading this, if you like a bumpersticker just honk or something. A stranger approaching your car on a busy road can cause heart palpitations.


At 4/28/2005 04:24:00 PM , Blogger MelTheFruitFly said...

I had a number of amusing poltically minded stickers on my car leading up to the 2004 elections. I live in an area where many share my values. I got quite a few "thumbs up" signs and honks in the months just before the election.

If someone had actually gotten out to talk to me though, it would have freaked me out a little. Of course, I lived in LA for 5 years, where that could literally be a life or death sort of situation.

At 4/28/2005 07:17:00 PM , Blogger David said...

I have a picture of a billboard that this post reminded me of. I will have to post it. I agree someone gets out to come to my car at a redlight I am running over their ass.

At 4/28/2005 09:57:00 PM , Blogger KOM said...

Kaci, I thought that the Festiva was the funniest part of my post.. that I would "proudly" drive anywhere in it cracks me up. Had that car until last year when I gave it to charity. I'll need to remember to post a requiem for it, actually. Got me to all around the country.. I take it all back - she was a good car.

Fruitfly and David, I hear ya. But I was in traffic. Car in front, car behind, cars to the left and right - where's a guy going to go (or be able to run over someone?) I had a gun pulled on me in a similar situation. Got to remember to write about that someday as well.

At 4/29/2005 08:40:00 AM , Blogger PC said...

Hmm, I need one of those stickers for my desk. I don't think I've ever put a sticker on a car though... No matter how funny it was.

At 5/01/2005 06:07:00 PM , Blogger THEMARSHAL said...

Animals are so great. They can be your best friend, guardian, lawn-mower, and even a food supply. Animals are better than people, at least I think they are.


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