Saturday, May 28, 2005

Besser als Shadenfreude


What is it? Where did it come from? Where is it going? Why doesn't it stay? Why did it invite Depression, and give him the keys?

Does Happiness love company? Is Happiness a dish best served cold?

Why does Happiness often send his henchmen Contentment, Amusement and Mirthosity (that's his name, don't look at me) to do His dirty work?

Is it better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all?

Is Happiness related to Satisfaction, or is she just another subordinate?

I guess all that I'm trying to say is that I just watched Kill Bill volume 1, and I couldn't find one fucking redeeming reason for this movie to exist.

I hope Netflix ignores the holiday weekend and hurries over volume two.

I'm pretty sure that Hope must be realted to Happiness.


At 5/28/2005 06:32:00 PM , Blogger kotamaris said...

Big Man received Vol 2 as a gift and it sat unopened for many months. Then Vol 1 showed up on our cable and Big Man ended up watching both volumes in one day while I was at work. He then gently pursuaded me to watch Vol 1 with the option to decline Vol 2 if I so chose afterward. Well, hell yeah, I wanted to see Vol 2.

I heard that the 2 volumes were actually filmed as one movie, and when faced with the length of the footage and his reluctance to lose anything we ultimately see, Quentin (yeah, we're tight like that) chose to split it into two chapters. I think he made the right decision. The two halves make sense when taken as a whole. I'm not generally a big fan of this genre, but I did enjoy my afternoon with The Bride. I hope you do, too.

Oh, and Netflix brought US Napolean Dynamite for tonight's viewing. I'm very excited!

At 5/28/2005 08:34:00 PM , Blogger Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

I dig Tarantino, but strangely I've had no desire to watch the KILL BILL stuff.

Hey, I'll probably be bored this weekend, email me your phone # so I can call you at all hours of the day with witty crap I just thought up!

You're wife's still hot! :)

At 5/28/2005 10:05:00 PM , Blogger MelTheFruitFly said...

I have to say that I know there's deeper meaning involved somewhere (or at least, there must be) but when I watch Kill Bill Vol. 1, I forget that I possess estrogen (and functioning brain cells). All I can do is think things like "O-Ren totally kicks ass!"

Vol. 2 is a whole different animal. I still want to sit and watch both in sequence, but it's been a long time since I had 4 hours in a row to kill. Hell, I still haven't watched the director's cut of Return of the King for that reason. I need more movie watching time.

At 5/28/2005 10:44:00 PM , Blogger KOM said...

TE - I'm a hopin'.

J - It never ends, does it? Publish one random dream... shoot me an email. If you're serious, my phone # is available.

FF - I told my wife basically the same thing that I put down here and she said: "You don't get it - it's like a chick-flick with ass kicking." I countered: "Like Fried Green Tomatos with weeping men?"

We laughed and laughed.

At 5/29/2005 09:33:00 AM , Blogger Lisa said...

I loved both those movies... and the soundtrack...Tarantino has fabulous taste in music! .... we own both the movies... Dave actually watches them repeatedly.. I actually just asked him what his favorite T movie was and he thinks Pulp fiction is his best.

At 5/29/2005 11:21:00 AM , Blogger Trish said...

I'm not sure how to explain the relevance of Kill Bill as it stands in relation to modern society, but here goes:
Kill Bill, when separated into volumes, or combined as an entire movie, serve as a shining light on the darkened tundra that is modern film.
Kill Bill is so visually aesthetic that it makes me want to cry out. That coupled with a soundtrack that is unparalled is what makes Kill Bill the greatest movie of all time, according to me.
Please, watch it again, this time, pay attention to the way your heart heart strings are pulled.


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