Monday, June 27, 2005

Open letter to Sony

To whom it may concern:

I received the Sony Dream Machine Alarmclock/Radio approximately 17 years ago as a replacement gift after the death of the world's first solid-state alarmclock that I had used in my youth.

As a radio, it has been a bit glitchy (please see my letter dated 4/15/99, titled "Why does my volume knob have an inverse relationship with the actual volume?") But as a timekeeper and faithful alarm, I could not have asked for anything more.

In the last 2 years, however, I have noticed some serious issues with the clock's accuracy. I will list my experiences from last night (6/26-27/05) as an example.

9:34pm - After determining that American Dad was a repeat, I promptly zonked out.
9:43pm - Awoke as wife came to bed. Tried to mention that as soon as I realized American Dad was a repeat, I had fallen asleep. Fell asleep before I finished sentence.
12:37am - Woke up, rolled over, noticed clock. Agreed that it was likely 12:37.
4:47am - Woke up, used restroom and returned to bed.
5:46am - Awoke after only 5 minutes, noticed that clock should have read no later than 4:55am. Shot dirtly glance at clock and pulled covers over head.
6:01am - Wife's alarm sounded. Seeing as only moments had passed, assumed wife's clock to be in collusion with the Dream Machine. Shot nasty look at clock from under covers.
6:46am - This time I know it was only a couple of seconds since I heard the wife's alarm. To think that 45 mintues had passed was absurd. Softly swore at clock from under sheets.
7:01am - Dream Machine alarm sounds. By my reckoning, it should be about 6:15am. I still have another 45 minutes. Pound snooze alarm with fist, swear loudly. Throw pillow over head.
7:10am - Alarm sounds again. I have barely put pillow over head, know that this could not be correct. Think about sleeping in further, decide instead to take a shower.

As you can see, the better part of 2 and 1/2 hours had been recored by my clock in the space of perhaps 30 real-minutes. This is completely unacceptable, and has been slowly robbing me of my sleep.

I have noticed that there are several nice new models of the Dream Machine. One even has a CD player. I recommend that your company replaces my current model with a properly working Alarm clock with a CD player.

And in chrome.



PS - Some of the above facts may be innaccurate. However, any inaccuracy has been caused by my inability to get a full nights sleep due to your faulty chronometer.

--------- Update 6/28/05

PPS - Please disregard my previous request and replace my Dream Machine with this alarmclock.


At 6/27/2005 11:58:00 AM , Blogger kotamaris said...

oooh, I think you need to be at my table when I try to send my 1/8 remaining portion of my dinner back for being unsatisfactory and a) being removed from my tab, or 2) having a replacement (read: different)menu item in its place. Whaddya say?

At 6/27/2005 01:12:00 PM , Blogger Reese The Law Girl said...

LOL! My alarm clock does the same thing! Maybe the clocks are in collusion with each other. They developed self-awareness and are slowly killing all humans by depriving them of their sleep. ;)

At 6/27/2005 04:49:00 PM , Blogger KOM said...

Stupid clocks. If all the humans die, the powerplants will grind to a halt - no more juice, no more clocks.

Unless they've been training monkeys. Or the cats.

At 6/27/2005 04:57:00 PM , Blogger Squishi said...

I think i have the exact same model, only it's always 20 minutes fast. No matter what I do, it gains 20 minutes.

Life is not fair, is it?

At 6/27/2005 05:13:00 PM , Blogger Kara0303 said...

I promise I've got the same one. Damn alarm clock. It's got to be THE WORST noise ever heard on God's green earth. I shoot mine dirty looks all the time from underneath my eyelids.

Seriously, KOM, in bed by 9:30?

At 6/27/2005 07:53:00 PM , Blogger David said...

Hilarious KOM. Bed by 9:45 sounds nice! When offshore I go to bed by 9ish but have to get up by 5am and there is absolutely nothing to do there so sleep is nice.

At 6/28/2005 04:34:00 AM , Blogger Passerby A said...

I hate the snooze button. It must have been invented by the devil himself.

At 6/28/2005 04:47:00 AM , Blogger Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

Same damn clock, same damn problem. Conspiracy!!!
Time Bandits!!!
Don't touch it, it's pure concentrated EVIL!!!

At 6/28/2005 05:17:00 AM , Blogger PSUMommy said...

My 'alarm' doesn't have a snooze button- lucky!

At 6/28/2005 07:20:00 AM , Blogger Lisa said...

Sony called me... your new alarm is on the way. really.

At 6/28/2005 10:40:00 AM , Blogger Robyn said...

I never realized you could use the "snooze" button until I started dating KOM. I always just set the alarm and got up when it went off. My life is totally ruined now!

At 6/29/2005 08:53:00 AM , Blogger Trish said...

Maybe you were abducted by aliens. Abductees frequently report lapses in time... think about it. Is your anus sore by any chance?

At 6/29/2005 07:27:00 PM , Blogger SassyAssy said...

Hey maybe the satellite tv company you took issue with secretly wired your alarm clock.

Personally, I vote that they should be outlawed.

I have been known to throw them across the room...they are not this girl's best friend.


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