Tuesday, August 02, 2005

KOM turns a new leaf

You may notice that the Google Adsense banner is gone.

You had advertisements with Google??


Honestly, it was a remnant of my earlist days of this blog - seeing if I could copy simple code. After I realized that it was worth crappola, I kept it for the stats. But even this seems silly now that I have a couple of stat counters active. The only thing that it really provided me was amusement - the last time I read my own blog one of the advertisements was titled, simply, STUFF.

Who wouldn't click on STUFF?

Well, y'all, for example.

Whew! Glad to be out from under the yoke of Google. What a task master, she is. Why, all that I had to do was blog occasionally and I could make pennies a week! How could this go wrong?

But now I have my personal 'Keep'n it Real!' badge, so I don't have to worry about being entertaining. Being a reformed Adsense client is like being a reformed smoker. I am better than you, even if you never smoked, simply because I quit. And I have carte blanche to be haughty and judegmental of all websites that advertise. That's cool, too.

It's heavy, people. Heavy. It's heavy being better than y'all. But I will find a way to burden your sins, and arise on the third day with a better post!

I'm looking at you, Mary.

Why did it have to go there? I don't know. It must be genetic. Like my propensity for drink and stick-shaped carcinogens. Blame my parents. I'm Generation X; responsibility rolls off of my back like water off a duck.

Suck it, Trebek.


At 8/03/2005 03:41:00 AM , Blogger Squishi said...

Glad it's gone. I was always wondering about that and its links to religious sites etc


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