Friday, April 29, 2005

Opinion poll

To those with the gastronomical fortitude to read my blog, I salute you.

And I have a question.

I've been thinking about letting my friends know about my blog (family is right-out, for various and likely obvious reasons).

This thought-process came about when I had read about Darth Vader's Blog on Clicked, then saw it later posted on J's blog.

I sent an email to my wife because I thought she'd really get a kick out of it. She's the only person I know that has a Starfleet t-shirt and a copy of Michael Dorn's "Time Blender".

She responded that our friend Mike should check it out for two reasons: he would probably appreciate it more than we mortals, and it sounds so much like his ramblings. Back in the day he would put on "puppet shows" which involved only his hands. "Satan" was the featured character, and 'he' was always sad that he couldn't make more friends from the human wasteland that we call life.

Poor, poor Satan.

I guess you had to be there. But I wish Mike had been there. This guy is the single funniest person that I've ever met, and I can only imagine the blog he might create.

Holy shit, but I digress!

I would like to know if y'all have asked yourselves this same question (whether or not to tell your friends), and how it turned out? I guess my fear is that knowing that my closest friends were watching my blog I might censor myself. Not that I have had anything worth saying, anyway, but still..

How has your experience been, given that you've had the cajones to let your friend's know?


At 4/29/2005 08:30:00 AM , Blogger Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

I let about 12 of my friends know when I first started. I think 2 read it. Granted my first few post weren't/aren't that great, and my friends don't think I'm funny in ANY medium. Which sucks because I REALLY love Joke by numbers, it's easier than painting.
Choose/tell your friends wisely!

At 4/29/2005 10:32:00 AM , Blogger MelTheFruitFly said...

I tried to keep it all a big secret... sort of. I told my long distance friends about it, along with a couple of relatively new local friends. But I kept the BF and family, as well as close local friends (which includes my boss and another co-worker) away. Then one day I forgot to clear the history in the browser at work... busted. There are still a few friends who don't know about it, and I will keep it that way as long as I can.

It hasn't been too bad, though I do think I sometimes restraing myself from writing some things because of it.

And just last night I admitted to my BF that I've been blogging again (I was an avid blogger when we first met 3.5 years ago, but dropped it shortly after) but that I didn't want him reading it. He thinks I'm strange... but is willing to comply.

I had to admit this to him because he thinks I've been doing nothing but sitting here chatting with a lesbian for a couple weeks now, and was starting to worry a little. :)

At 4/29/2005 01:44:00 PM , Blogger PSUMommy said...

Well, the major reason I started my blog was to share pictures of my kids with long-distance family & friends...I do have another journal that I technically 'blog' in that only my brother knows about, though.

At 4/29/2005 07:21:00 PM , Blogger THEMARSHAL said...

I make it a point to tel everyone I know about my site. I rarely post things that are outragious, but I do on occasion. Why censor yourself because your friends are reading? Hell, most of the time my friends and various girls are the main topic of my posts. So I say tell everyone.

At 4/29/2005 08:16:00 PM , Blogger David said...

Well when I first started my blog I sent out an email with the address and told them all to check it out. My Mom and Dad read it, friends from work.. It doesn't matter to me. I talk on my blog like I do in real life so to me it is no big deal. I think it depends on what you want to talk about. I mean if you want to tell your intermost secrets and stuff you really would not like your family and friends to read or know about I say Hell yeah, keep it secret. But if you are just being funny and stuff, let them know.

At 4/30/2005 11:35:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I told/tell everyone about my blog. But yes, I tend to censor myself 'cause it might just be my mom reading it. If you want to blog freely, set up a second and don't let anyone know who you really are.

At 4/30/2005 02:21:00 PM , Blogger Yawn said...

If it started in secret, leave it that way. If you want a public one, start a public one.

My first private one was pried from my hands when I got drunk and said "check out my blog" to a couple of friends. Now I get a bunch of bullshit from friends and family when I talk politics and religion in it. So, like your other commentators, I write under the shadow of self-censorship in that one because I don't want to hear a bunch of shit from people I care about.

My other "private" blog is a blog of pure fiction. Well, not completely fiction, but for the most part I just make it up and talk dirty when I feel like it. I don't care if friends or family read that because I acknowledge it as fiction and they say, "OK, he's not really saying what he's saying- it's an alter-ego." Needless to say it's no longer as private as it was, but I don't have to censor myself.

At 4/30/2005 08:14:00 PM , Blogger KOM said...

Thanks for the input, everyone. I guess I made the mistake of assuming that you could all read my mind and knew my intentions for the blog.

Actually, I don't know myslef. As I posted earlier, the main reason that I started to do this was to teach myself a little HTML. Now I'm addicted.

Guess I'll keep the status quo for now, but if you start to see notes from my mom reminding me about aunt Judy's birthday... well.. actually you won't see that, at least.

At 5/02/2005 11:05:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think if you are willing to let your wife read it, your friends shouldn't be any problem. By the way, this is your wife. Your friends all worship you , you are the "cap'n". I think they would love to have this blog to share with you in lieu of the actual man. I am constantly impressed with you humor and intelligence, and I know your friends feel the lack of your presence. I think maybe family might not be the best idea, ignorance is bliss!
I say, go for it!!

At 5/02/2005 11:06:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S - Did you have to tell everyone about my Star Trek t-shirts? For all they know, I'm a perfectly normal wife and mother. Time Blender was a gift by the way!!


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