Wednesday, May 11, 2005

An eye-twitching mystery

Has anyone seen the Lewis Black routine about overhearing someone say "If it wasn't for that horse, I never would have spent that year in college"?

In the comments of a recent post of mine, in which I wrote about an article that I'd run across on Salon, somone asked "Does this happen in a spoon?" I read it shortly after it first appeared, shrugged, and moved on.

That night I woke up in a cold sweat. What the hell does that even mean? What could posses someone to say something like that? Was this the insane comment of a certifiable blog stalker? Perhaps a coded message from the future?

Luckily she did not post anonymously, so I was able to go to her blog and try to figure out what this was about. I couldn't find an email address, so I commented on her most recent post. I stated that after the non-sequiter left on my blog, I just had to know what she meant by it.

4 sleepless nights later she responded: "You had said your friend dreams he is sailing in a spoon. I wondered if you had had any adventures as such."

Get out of my head, lady! What a freaky thing to say! What's even more frighteing is that she's right! So I assumed the only possible explanation: she's some kind of a god, and she's messing with me. While I was composing a fealty speech in my head, it occured to me that I may have said something about my friend and spoons while "next-blogging" and leaving random comments. So I scoured her blog. Nothing. But she never said that I had mentioned it on her blog. Touche.

The original mystery is solved, but now a deeper mystery remains. Under what circumstances would I have mentioned my friend sailing on a spoon in his dreams? At what moment in your life do you find the need to share something like that?

I so badly want to ask her now if she knows why I would have said that (or put my mind at ease by letting me know that she is, in fact, a god). But I dare not, because I'm just one tenuous hair from going completely insane. I don't want to be the crazy one running around screaming Spoon! Spoon! Spoon!


At 5/11/2005 11:57:00 AM , Blogger kotamaris said...

"Spoon" the victory cry of The Tick. Whoohoo!

At 5/11/2005 11:59:00 AM , Blogger kotamaris said...

oh, and BTW, I am somewhat familiar with L. Black ranting and the horse comment. Hilarious. Believe it was the same show that defined Armeggedon as the intersection with a Starbucks on every of the four corners. Good times! Your blog is great. Keep it up!

At 5/11/2005 01:13:00 PM , Blogger Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

Talleulah beat me to a Tick reference!

I'll go back and check your comments on my Blog if you'd like, but I think I'd remember a spoon comment.

At 5/11/2005 02:05:00 PM , Blogger MelTheFruitFly said...

Can you blow up the earth?

Eegads man, no! That's where I keep all my stuff!

Yeah, so all that great stuff there and all I got was the Tick allusion too.

Well that and I've had more than a few of those sorts of moments, the horse & college ones, more than a few. That was one of the bits that first made me love Lewis Black.

At 5/11/2005 03:32:00 PM , Blogger KOM said...

Roof pig! Most unexpected!

Tongue-tongue weeps for he has but one tongue with which to taste the world.

God I loved that show. Sadly I missed the obvious connection to my post.


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