Monday, October 24, 2005

Casting ivory before swine

If I really wanted to be free, I would live by my own hand. I would run through the forest and the plains, hundreds of miles without fences.

I might cautiously sneak into towns to mate, but I would be gone long before the sun came up.

I would probably step on a nail and die next to a secluded stream. Or perhaps I would be eviscerated by a mountain lion. I might just slip and break both of my legs, breathing my last in the same spot that I landed.

No thank you. I'll happily trade boundless freedom for shelter and security. Or the illusion of such, anyway. And everyone who is reading this, or even could read this, has made the same decision.

So I was startled to hear a woman's shrill voice as I walked across the parking lot in front of a Safeway. "Do you want to save the elephants? From the circuses?"



"Excuse me, Sir!"

Okay, let's play.


"Do you want to help save the circus elephants?"

"From what?"

"From the circuses! The trainers! They are kept in tiny cages all of their lives and beaten."

"How do they train?"

"What do you mean?"

"How do they train the elephants to do tricks inside of their tiny cages?"

"Well, they let them out to train."

"I see. And what would you do with these elephants?"


"Maybe I'm missing your point. What is it that you would want me to do?"

"Boycott the circus!"

"Let's just say that every man, woman and child in the US boycotted elephants. What would happen?"

"The circuses would go out of business!"

"Right. And what happens to the elephants?"

"They would be... taken in."

"By whom?"

"By... I don't know, but someone would do something!"

"I see. And if 'someone' did 'something', what would that be?"

"They would be returned to their natural habitat where they could be free!"

At this point I'm afraid that I was forced to kick the woman in the throat. For any Anonymous's out there, I'm not only racist but a rabid misogynist.

Let them back into nature. Unbe-fucking-lievable. "Okay, Mr. third generation housed and fed pachyderm... here's your new digs. Dinner? No, nature will provide for you! Water? Uhh, I don't know. It's probably around here somewhere. Hey, you're the elephant. Don't you know this stuff? See ya. Oh, by the way, don't get sick. Ciao!"

But as I was pounding her head into the pavement over and over, I began to feel bad. After all, she apparently meant well. She just hasn't really thought it through. Is it her fault that she's a mindless puppet? It's like talking with a Mormon missionary. I swear to god that they are only taught "Jesus loves you, and fags are bad", then kicked out the door and bussed to my neighborhood. They are completely incapable of having a philosophical discussion. I don't mean that they just repeat the 3 talking posts that they've been taught (which they do), but they are not trained in their own fucking book! Seriously, I don't think that I've ever met a missionary that has read the damn thing. And god forbid that they've cracked a bible open. Why the hell are these people sent to teach me about religion? They are like door-to-door salespeople that don't know what's in their own product box. Fuck, it's maddening.

But I digress.

The day after Wilma's landfall she asked me if I wanted to save the elephants. From the circus. She was unconscious now, but I leaned over her body and whispered into her ear:



At 10/24/2005 03:16:00 PM , Blogger Diane Mandy said...

Whew!When I first started reading your post I thought you were going Transendental on me...All that talk about woods and plains...It was like reading Thoreau or something and I started to develop a nervous tick. But as I read, I noticed the comforting and familiar tone of your post return...

Yeah, fuck the elephants. ;-)

At 10/24/2005 04:17:00 PM , Blogger KOM said...

"When I first took up my abode in the woods..."

Sorry to worry you.

And no, I'm trying to un-fuck the elephants. One well-meaning but vacuous tool at a time.

At 10/24/2005 04:24:00 PM , Blogger Squishi said...

geez. Free the elephants. Next it will be "free all birds in avairies big or small". Food comes from a human, doesn't it? There are no 'evil' birds or cats wanting to eat me, are there?

Bloody Wilma.

At 10/24/2005 04:33:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well now, I must say that I have officially "boycotted" the circus, but not to save the elephants.

I just find clowns to be unbelievably creepy and I think watching bored animals do silly tricks for food is mind-numbing.

So I will pass on the circus. But I don't feel too bad for the animals in the circus. They can take care of themselves. Have you even seen any of the shows on Discovery about mad elephants? Seriously. Try pissing off an elephant sometime. They well crush you like a little human pinata. And yes, all of your internal "goodies" will be sprinkled all over the sidewalk.

Besides... while the life of a circus elephant might not be that great, at least they aren't being shot for their ivory in Africa or foced to do construction work in India. Frankly, the life of a circus elephant seems like a better deal than a lot of other elephants get.

At 10/25/2005 11:33:00 AM , Blogger Robyn said...

I do feel badly for the "mad" elephants. There's nothing good can come from that. Even if they lived at a zoo they would still have problems though. I think people often underesitmate how intelligent some mammals are, and that they are going to suffer trauma when you take them away from other family members just like a child would. Family ties are incredibly strong with elephants, and they have amazing memories. I wish we could just not interfere at all, but after interfering once, twice is not going to make it better!

When I was younger, I was all gung ho about saving animals and tying myself to trees, but then I grew up and educated myself about the realities of living on this planet. We humans are animals just like any other, and it is ludicrous to think we can exist here without leaving any trace. In a million years when our climate changes, and some other animal is top dog, it will not make one difference what we did this year or last year to change that. It is the cycle of life.

At 10/27/2005 08:16:00 PM , Blogger SassyAssy said...

I have to agree with you on the missionary thing. I have several Mormon friends and I know more about their beliefs than they do...pretty scary...but I digress...where do these circus freaks come from??? Maybe we should just let the elephants roam NYC.

At 10/29/2005 01:39:00 PM , Blogger Indri said...

I actually interviewed some guys from the circus recently--including the vice-president for animal care, who used to be a big-deal zoo guy before he went over to RB--and they debunked a lot of the PETA line about elephants suffering.

I mean, I'm still skeptical, but I had noticed, researching PETA, that they were conflating separate incidents at different circuses into one, and holding one organization responsible for another one's carelessness. Which is sloppy work, and loses you a lot of credibility.

And apparently the elephants have it pretty good, for captives--I mean, they're getting pedicures and foot massages all the time. Which I'm not. Maybe I need to join the circus.

Fun blog, btw. I found you when I was doing a search on the correct spelling of "lascivious". Thanks for the laughs, I need them this morning.


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