Friday, December 02, 2005

Nature abhors a vacuum shark... and dog

Last month I was terrified by the python who ruptured after eating an alligator.

Now, more proof that we left the oceans millenia ago for a reason, and should never go back.

(Insert favorite Goldfish crackers jingle here)

Dog eat dog, you say? Fair enough. How about Squirrel eat dog?

I guess it's not so safe on land, either. Kansas, Arkansas, Russia, the ocean... I'm running out of places to hide. If you need me, I'll be under my monster-proof cotten sheets.


At 12/02/2005 11:47:00 PM , Blogger Squishi said...

uh? You're afraid of a shark? Sheesh, don't swim at an Australian beach then. Attacks are very rare, but the sharks are always close.

At 12/03/2005 06:18:00 PM , Blogger 143 said...

Egads.... does that shark have nostrils!!???

Damn evolution!!

If I see a picture of one of these babies sprouting legs anytime soon, I think we can kiss our place at the top of the food chain goodbye...

At 12/05/2005 04:54:00 AM , Blogger Squishi said...

btw it looks yummy. Shark meat makes EXCELLENT fish and chips fish :)

At 12/05/2005 05:43:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That does look like one evil squirril, though.

At 12/05/2005 07:49:00 AM , Blogger Shari said...

See? More evil squirrel evidence! I knew it!

At 12/05/2005 08:33:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frisco seems pretty safe to hide in. I mean, it's already burned down, and had a few earthquakes. The odds of any of that happening again in the near future are probably pretty slim.

As far as the pirhanna squirrels, just stay in the urban jungle, and you shouldn't see much of them. If you do, you could always throw a few pine cones at them.

The one to watch out for is that pesky Land Shark...

At 12/05/2005 11:04:00 AM , Blogger KOM said...

Squishi - Sharks themselves do not bother me (and living on the N. CA coast, we have our share of 'em), it's this spate of crazy things eating crazy things that's got me worried. I keep expecting to read that a griffin was found dead with a half digested dragon trailing out of its mouth...

Me - I think the tigers will protect us. Maybe not.

TGIUTK, Shari - I've always kept an eye on birds (I thought this avian flu deal was going to justify my paranoia). Who would have expected the squirrels?

Nilo - The problem is that I don't live in SF. And could never afford to. On the other hand, certain death at the hands of rabid gerbils makes one re-examine the idea of 'disposable' income. Who needs food, anyway?


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