Wednesday, November 09, 2005

This post was funded by Taxpayers for KOM

Fucking Warren Beatty wouldn't stop calling me. I've been forced to screen all of my calls for the last couple of weeks. Still, he left a message every day.

BEEP "Hey guy," {wink, tooth sparkle} (what, you're answering machine doesn't record these details?) "I just want to talk about the issues concerning Californ..." BEEP.

Not to be outdone, Schwarzenegger took precious time out of his skirt chasing to leave similar messages. Really, the only difference was that his issues concerned Kall-EE-for-knee-ah. I'm not sure where that is, but it sounds Polynesian.

It's like I've got my own paparazzi of celebrities. Bizarro-paparazzi. Bizparazazipa.... whatever. The only way I knew that I hadn't died and gone to hell was that Barbara Streisand wasn't leaving me messages. I have a weird image of her running hell's cafeteria, so it wouldn't surprise me if she were also in charge of Ma-Hell.

Speaking of celebrity endorsements, am I the only one who thinks that sending Bush to Virginia made about as much sense as sending Skeletor?

"Hey guy," (yes, this is how all celebrities start sentences). "Ack ACK ack! Wahahaha! Vote for Kilgore, pathetic fool!"

Actually, seeing that typed out makes me think more of a Muppet General Zod. "Bow down, wakawakawaka!"

I think it's finally over, at least for another couple of years. Beatty and Begley, Jr. can walk arm in arm into the sunset, knowing that they helped annoy millions. I, for one, won't be surprised as I get dropped like a dog-headed booty call come morning, now that I've blown my voting wad. And I sure as hell won't miss the messages.

On as serious note, one very good thing came out of this whole carnival. 8 of the 9 Dover, PA school-board members who tried to shoe-horn 'intelligent design' into the curriculum were sacked. The remaining member was not up for re-election. You have no idea how far this goes toward restoring my faith in Americans.

Now we just have to do something about Kansas. Time to start making some calls. "Hey guy," I'll begin.


At 11/09/2005 12:53:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yayyyyyy! Go Zod! (wakawakawaka)

At 11/09/2005 01:51:00 PM , Blogger Moxie Cotton said...

I was all excited because this post started with "fucking warren beatty"...but sadly there were no descriptive terms of what that was like. I did enjoy the tooth sparkle though, very classy.

At 11/09/2005 02:20:00 PM , Blogger Squishi said...

Hey I forgot it was election day in the US. We have compulsary voting here in Australia, and this year, honestly..... every person with a telephone and voicemail (mobile phone or land line) recieved a call "from the Prime Minister" asking you to vote for him.

It was recorded, but I was so PROUD to have been personally contacted by our PM. So special, he knows who I am and cares!

I kept that message there for a whole... oooh.... 5 seconds, then rang up the PM's office and sent my own recorded "BUGGER OFF" message back.

Revenge is sweet

At 11/09/2005 02:58:00 PM , Blogger Yawn said...

I beleive the tooth sparkle you refer to is actually a "ding." If only I could find a machine that made the noise and the flash on my tooth...

At 11/09/2005 03:01:00 PM , Blogger KOM said...

Scruuw - Welcome. I don't know that I found it funny, but I had a feeling in my soul similar to the release after a spectacularly dificult crap. LP is all about the class, people.

Laura - Being conservative certainly does not mean that you need to be in the pocket of the religious right. I'll make sure that they hook up a line to your digs on the Deathstar. And if Kansas won't listen to your calls, you have my permission to fire!

Nilo - Yes, there's a certain lack of bullshit from Zod that really appeals to me.

Elle - 'Fucking Warren Beatty, I had to turn my head so that he wouldn't see me cry. I'll never know if they were tears of shame, or of overwhelming joy at feeling, for the first time, like a man.' Better?

Squishi - That reminds me of 'When the Tigers Broke Free': "And my eyes still grow damp to remember His Majesty signed with his own rubber stamp."

Jeez, my comments are getting longer and dirtier than my posts. That last sentence sounded dirty itself.

At 11/09/2005 04:47:00 PM , Blogger Shamus O'Drunkahan said...

You get movie stars? You're lucky! Here in NY we get guys with Italian accents who call and say "vote or else".

I don't need threats!

At 11/09/2005 04:50:00 PM , Blogger rich bachelor said...

The Pennsylvanians. That's a story we didn't get to hear today, in Oregon. Nice, though. Matter of fact...
Ahhhhh. Thank you.

At 11/09/2005 09:34:00 PM , Blogger Moxie Cotton said...

KOM- That was lovely, thank you.

At 11/10/2005 06:05:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fear not, the Flying Spaghetti Monster will take care of those cretins in Kansas. Imagine... going to all the trouble to oust Darwin and then not even DISCUSSING instituting pastafarianism as the official Kansas religion.

He will reach out with his noodly appendage and drown them all in marinara. Aargh.

At 11/10/2005 10:44:00 AM , Blogger Reese The Law Girl said...

Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait!

General Zod = President Bush?

Okay, now things are starting to make sense...

At 11/11/2005 02:53:00 PM , Blogger KOM said...

Yawn - Yes, Ding it is. But I wasn't sure how clear just typing 'ding' would be. I'll know better next time!

Shamus - Want to trade next off-election year?

Bachelor - I guess what scares me the most about these people is that they are confusing other, less fanatical, people into believing that intelligent design has merit as a science. That's the proof that American schools have already failed us - long ago.

EM - It was from the bottom of my.. heart. We'll say heart.

TGIUTK - I am well touched by the His Noodly Appendage, my sister in the sauce. Hallelujah!

Reese - Now, I didn't say that. What you choose to infer is up to you...


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